iPad Mini
Màu sắc: White
Dung lượng: 16GB
Kết nối: Wifi
Beautiful 7.9-inch display
Có hơn 375,000 apps
Wireless Siêu nhanh
Cam kết 30 ngày hoàn tiền
Miễn phí Giao hàng tại VN.
Mua ngay, nhận trong 2 days
Trải nghiệm iPad đầy đủ.
Có ít hơn, nhưng không kém phần nào.
Everything you love about iPad — the beautiful screen, fast and fluid performance, FaceTime and iSight cameras, thousands of amazing apps, 10-hour battery life* — is everything you’ll love about iPad mini, too. And you can hold it in one hand.

Màn hình 7,9 inch đẹp.
A screen worthy of iPad.
Everything you love about iPad — the beautiful screen, fast Colors are vivid and text is sharp on the iPad mini display. But what really makes it stand out is its size. At 7.9 inches, it’s perfectly sized to deliver an experience every bit as big as iPad.
Hơn 375,000 apps.
Nếu nó được làm cho iPad, nó được làm cho iPad mini.
Right from the start, apps made for iPad also work with iPad mini. They’re immersive, full-screen apps that let you do almost anything you can imagine. And with automatic updates, you're always getting the best experience possible.

Tại sao bạn lại thích IPad.
Right from the start, there’s a lot to love about iPad. It’s simple yet powerful. Thin and light yet full- featured. It can do just about everything and be just about anything.And because it’s so easy to use, it’s easy to love.
Ultrafast wireless.
Kết nối nhanh. Toàn cầu
With advanced Wi‑Fi that’s up to twice as fast as any previous-generation iPad and access to fast cellular data networks around the world, iPad mini lets you download content, stream video, and browse the web at amazing speeds.